How to hide Whatsapp messages on notification bar

 Hello friends how are you today in this article we will get secret messages coming to us on whatsapp then they will see if you give your mobile to anyone then you internet

They will turn on even if it is stopped and then you will get WhatsApp messages like that then the trick I mentioned is enough if you try then who will not message you this should happen which means it is enough if you stop a setting


If you do this you will not receive a message on WhatsApp and if you turn on a setting then it will come up I will tell you how to do it Now all you have to do is long press WhatsApp up there will be up information if you click there some options will come up then you have to click there when you get to the data settings WiFi and Internet are the two options that are on. You have to stop. So you need to go back to that setting and put both WiFi and Internet options on. Then WhatsApp will work for you. You can turn on the Internet.

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