How to Claim warranty of Any Boat Products | Boat Earphones warranty Claim

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Hello hi friends how are you friends today our article is that you can very easily make a warranty claim on your mobile any of your product i.e. bot company product see how it is friends if you buy a product from bot company you get any product from bot company Many of you are throwing away those products but what you don’t know is that it will come with new products but without knowing it you are always throwing away the products but you can easily get your products or your furnaces or you know w al la products with warranty because they have warranty. With that you can claim but even after 1 year you can easily get the right Kota products without paying a single rupee and friends if you are very compromise you can get this warranty I am going to tell you what is the whole process if you like this article friends Or if you don’t understand, you can click on the video link below Try watching the unclicked video.

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Friends, I have given you a link, click on that link and from there you will go to the website, then you click on this website and then it will ask you the name of the product you have taken in your boat and there you have taken sound speaker raw head set and some options in it. , it will ask for the below permissions and you will have to give many options there it will say Comply Against and it will ask your name and all your products details there Aamir give all the details and save then you will get the bill of the products you have booked If you have one, it’s very easy for you, you have to insert those bills in it, after doing that, you will make a claim, you will get a warranty, then you will get a claim letter in your gmail, and then you will click on it, you will get a confirmation. Friends
Friends, you too can easily claim warranty on your mobile phone.

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