Dangerous Apps For Safety On Mobile Phone

 Hello Hi Friends How are you friends In today’s article I am going to tell you some precautions through apps.


Friends will download some apps for you but after that you will be asked if you love any love you will do all the permission on it. If everything goes to the group user, your account will be blocked or blocked once and you send a message to us who are afraid that if you do not pay today you will put an ace if you do not pay today. Will go away as soon as you open the application and click on OK no matter what you allow then all the details in the file will go away to the applications that you have downloaded separately from Google without the occasional third party apps in the Play Store. Dr. Permissions will do the same but all your proofs will be given to you by giving a lot of mistakes. Do not give permissions if you are safe only the apps in the app store if you follow what I said then the fruit on your mobile will not go outside to them OK boy friends let’s meet in my sweet heart

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