Earn Money Online With More Ways & More Ideas (Tips & Tricks)
Introduce The Topic Of Earning Money Online:-
There are plenty of ways to make money online, and many of them are simple and easy to do. If you’re interested in finding out more about how to make money online, or you’re just starting out and need some ideas, take a look at some of the following tips.
1. Start with free services. Many online services offer free trials or free versions of their services, which can help you get started before you pay for a subscription.
2. Consider dabbling in paid services. Many online services offer paid versions of their services that offer more features or better performance.
3. Offer your services as a freelancer. If you Youtube to earn money and blogging to earnmoney.
Earn Money With Online :-
Blogging is one of the most popular ways to make money online. If you have a blog, you can make money by selling advertising space on your blog, or by selling products you create using your blog’s affiliate marketing links.
To start making money from your blog, you first need to create a blog. You can do this by signing up for a free blog account at Blogger, WordPress Once you have a blog account, you can create a blog using one of their templates.
To sell advertising space on your blog, you will need to sign up for a blog advertising account with a blog platform like Google Adsense or Amazon Associates. Once you have an advertising account, you will need to create a blog ad campaign and add your blog’s ad code to your blog.
To sell products you create using your blog’s affiliate marketing links, you will need to create a product page on a website like Amazon or eBay and add
2. Discuss some of the ways that people can earn money online.
3. Offer a few tips on how people can make money online.
4. Share some examples of successful people who have earned money online.
5. conclusion
01 .Blogger To Earn Money
Blogging is very good for us to earn money but in this way we have to put in a lot of effort that means you have to start a blog that means we have two blogs
- Blogger
- Word press
How To Start A Blog :-
For us Blogging is only for Beginners and Word Press is only for Professionals we are new Blogger so Blogger is for us if we already have Blog us we can use Word Press and Blogging we can use to get high rank so we need to know tips.
Better Content :-
The content you provide should be useful to everyone and the type of content you should post should be such that our audience can share our content and see what we have posted the latest.
Better Title:-
The title we give should be a very short title but it should be understandable to others and the content should be understood by looking at our title.
KeyWord Research (main part of blog) :-
What is the main part of the post in the box, that is, the keyword, the website we need to do this keyword research, the keyword planner, we have to select the keywords in the low volume and give them, the more ranking keywords we give, the higher the rank will be for our article.
Permalink (short form of title):-
If we give the title, we should forget the title under the short form and give it in this permalink so that other people will know that we are giving information about this in the title of our video.
Search Description :-
The starting point that we give in our post means that whatever we post, we have to say in one line about that post. The line that says that is called search description. By looking at the description that we give, the other person can tell whether our post is useful or not.
Image SEO (Text) :-
The image that we give should be of quality and in that image we are writing an article about it and should know and the image should also be Alt Text should be given
2. Youtube To Earn Money
If you’re one of the many people who love spending time on YouTube, you might be wondering if you can actually make money from all those hours of watching videos.
The short answer is yes! YouTube can be a great way to earn money. But it’s not as simple as just uploading a few videos and cashing in. There’s a lot of work that goes into making money on YouTube, but with the right approach, it can be a great way to earn some extra cash or even make a living. Short Videos To Earn Money On 2023To Short found process start.
How To Start Youtube :-
Rules :-
01 .1000 (1K) subscriber complete
02. 4000 (4K) Watch Time complete
Start A Channel Begginers :-
When we start the channel we must first select a unique content that means what kind of content we put our audience will see that we have many topics we have to select niche first I will give some topics below which audience will watch more then select what you are interested in.
NICHES (youtube channel start to topic):-
- 01. Technology Related Videos
- 02. Travelling & Vlogging
- 03. Entertaiment Videos
- 04.Short Films
- 05.Food Related Videos
- 06.Experiments
- 07.Crafts
- 08.Bike Reviews
- 09.Product Reviews ( Electronics,Mobiles,Furniture)
- 10.Health Tips
- 11. Coaching Related Videos
After choosing a good NICHE you need to record and edit the video with good quality and better background and better effects while recording and there are two applications to edit in our mobile.
01 Kinemaster
02 VN Editor
Better Title :-
The title we give should be given better, only then we will earn more views but depending on the title we give, the content of our video will be understood.
Best Description ( information):-
The description is where we introduce ourselves to our video viewers and the description we have to do is any links or some seo.
We have to give tags to be high ranking that is how to give us tags that is divide our title under two parts and if you are doing video then telugu and name of your channel and you have to give box video related tags
We need to design a better thumbnail so that the audience will know if it is on a full video by looking at our thumbnail.
Conclusion : –
Friends, this is two methods, if you also earn money on your mobile, if you are successful from blogger and YouTube, then there is no one else who is a millionaire than you and to become that, you should continue to do seo perfectly and learn to do it perfectly by watching videos. Friends, share this like you like. Subscribe