Hello hi friends how are you our article is to give friends who will try to open the mobile lock if you have received mail including time along with their photo see how it was
Friend Do you have a cell phone? If you’ve forgotten your mobile phone or if you want to know who stole the stolen mobile phone, they will definitely try to unlock your mobile phone. Hi Mail Who’s Tried Locked Their Photo At What Time Locked Timed will get there in detail so that the thieves can be caught This is a small application that needs to be downloaded This application is available in the Play Store Read the full article You will understand
Download Now :-
Friend For the link of this application I have given below a link with red color button as soon as you click on it you will be connected in the play store and from there you will see a download button where you can download whatever you want and this application is very safe for us because this application Is available to us in the Play Store so there are no third party links
How To Use:-
Friend The first option that comes up after you open this application is Email MD Alert. After you have to turn on that option, an option called Number of a Time will appear. If you click on it, three options will appear: One to Three. He showed us the options to try once, try twice, try three times, take a photo three times. If someone tries to lock your mobile, you will not immediately be photographed by that person. Tried me twice. If you want to take a photo then you can set it up three times then chat then the third option there is email to select which means you have to give your email id there because the photo of the person who gave you the lock will be sent to your sister by this mail
How easy is it for friends to see if you can even try your mobile lock to find out who the thief is or who among your friends is trying and send this trick to your friends so that this trick will also be known with your friends OK Boyfriends Next Let’s meet