Friends first by clicking on the download button above you will connect to another page where you will see another download by clicking on it you will get 15 seconds reload if the application is installed and once this type of application is installed in play store you can use it very easily I am going to explain below the steps to be followed after downloading the application.
How To Use :-
Friends, you are amazing, you are wonderful, you open the application, and if we take it, through a wonderful application, when you, we are very easy, mirror of this, I will give the application. The application of we give permission we can use the application anytime any time through the time option we have taken and we have not checked yet we also have one hour two hours three hours option which means if we check it through the application I can lock the mobile phone anytime through the application which means who are we You can take mobile phone to college and you can do something and if you take it we have a timing option in this we have very easy who took your mobile phone that is you set the locker of this and you give mobile phone to someone you open your mobile phone till the time of gallery.