Friends first by clicking on the download button above you will connect to another page where you will see another download by clicking on it you will get 15 seconds reload if the application is installed and once this type of application is installed in play store you can use it very easily I am going to explain below the steps to be followed after downloading the application.
How To Use :-
First of all, this application has not been opened and it has been given to you if the application is locked and what you are seeing is through an application you can easily lock each and every application.
All of them are useful in the way you lock and you can lock photos and videos very easily and all you need to do is one application. What is another amazing feature for us that is you have 10 types of locks that is an amazing feature in this. If you want to lock any files, just how can it be useful for you i.e. pin lock but useful for you but the mirror of this I have brought you the application once again when you will be the time in your mobile phone that means every day in this 24 hours time you have something If you don’t have this application at a time, you will open it.